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Table 1 Stepping Out program topics and the theoretical constructs addressed by each one

From: Efficacy of a progressive walking program and glucosamine sulphate supplementation on osteoarthritic symptoms of the hip and knee: a feasibility trial

Mode of deliverya



Constructs addressed

Walking guide; one-on-one consultations

Provide opportunities and social support; correct misperceptions

Provide tips on finding opportunities in the environment for walking;

Discuss barriers to doing the program and ways to overcome them in the future;

Discuss walking as an activity readily available (e.g., can walk anyway, inexpensive);

Suggest that friends or family be asked to provide encouragement and support for doing the program.


Walking guide; one-on-one consultations

Provide opportunities for experiencing benefits and learning what to expect from changing behaviour

Address health benefits of walking and other physical activities for OA sufferers;

Explain normal bodily responses to starting a walking program;

Provide warning signs of excessive exercise.

Outcome expectations

Walking guide

Rewarding for behaviour change

Discuss positive impact of walking on OA symptoms;

Describe physiological benefits of walking as rewards for increasing walking behaviour.


Walking guide; one-one-one consultations

Behavioural capability

Mastery learning

Observational learning

Discuss and demonstrate proper walking techniques pertaining to posture, arm motion, taking a step, walking stride, and pace;

Discuss 'safe' walking;

Advice on selecting walking shoes;

Discuss the use of short bouts (1500 steps) of walking to improve health and OA symptoms;

Instruct to increase steps at own rate;

Display stretching exercises.


Walking guide; pedometer;

log sheets;

weekly planners; one-one consultations

Self-regulation and


Provide use of a pedometer for 12 weeks;

Advice on and review of setting step goals;

Guide in writing weekly step goals on log sheet and request a copy be sent to researchers weekly;

Guide in monitoring step counts of each program walk with log sheet and request a copy be sent to researchers weekly.

Guide in planning walks (specifying time, place and steps to walk) using a weekly planner.


Walking guide; one-on-one consultations


Provide techniques for replacing negative self-statements with positive ones.

Emotional-coping responses

  1. aThe Walking Guide was a 27-page booklet developed for the Stepping Out program. The Walking Guide, a pedometer, log books, and weekly planners were distributed at the Week 6 session. One-on-one consultations occurred immediately following the assessments at Weeks 6, 12, and 24.
  2. OA = osteoarthritis.