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Table 1 Patient characteristics

From: Semaphorin 3G exacerbates joint inflammation through the accumulation and proliferation of macrophages in the synovium


Treatment naïve RA (n = 28)

Age, median (IQR) years

59.5 (47.5–67)

Female, n (%)

20 (71.4)

Disease duration, median (IQR) months

7 (3–24)

RF positive, n (%)

25 (89.2)

ACPA positive, n (%)

26 (92.9)

Maximum dose of MTX, median (IQR) mg/week

10 (8–11)

Dose of prednisolone at baseline, median (IQR) mg/day

0 (0–0)

ESR, median (IQR) mm/h pre-treatment

31 (14–46)

ESR, median (IQR) mm/h post-treatment

11 (9–27)

CRP, median (IQR) mg/dl pre-treatment

0.7 (0.3–1.5)

CRP, median (IQR) mg/dl post-treatment

0.1 (0.1–0.4)

DAS28-ESR, median (IQR) pre-treatment

4.21 (3.83–5.02)

DAS28-ESR, median (IQR) post-treatment

2.54 (2.02–4.39)

  1. IQR Inter-quartile range, RF, Rheumatoid factor, ACPA Anti-cyclic citrullinated protein antibody, MTX Methotrexate, ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP C-reactive protein, DAS28 Disease Activity Score 28