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Table 1 Demographics and baseline clinical characteristics

From: Levels of extracellular matrix metabolites are associated with changes in Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score and MRI inflammation scores in patients with axial spondyloarthritis during TNF inhibitor therapy


Patients (n=55)

HLA-B27 positive (%)

53 (96%)

Gender (male/female) (%)

45 (82%)/10 (18%)

Age, years (IQR)

40 (32–48)

Disease duration (IQR)

5.5 (2.0–10.0)

Baseline NSAID use (%)

47 (85%)


37 (67%)/12 (22%)/6 (11%)


3.9 (3.0–4.5)

BASDAI (0–100)

55.0 (44.0–72.8)

Swollen joint count (0–28)

0 (0-8)

Serum CRP (mg/L)

27.6 (1.2–162.0)

Patients with a SpA feature, n (%)

24 (44%) patients with 1 SpA feature

4 (7%) patients with 2 SpA features

2 (4%) patients with 3 SpA features

Peripheral arthritis (%)

12 (22%)

Psoriasis (%)

12 (22%)

History of anterior uveitis (%)

11 (20%)

History of inflammatory bowel disease (%)

3 (5%)

  1. Values are given as numbers (frequency) and percentages for categorical variables and as medians (interquartile range (IQR)) for continuous variables
  2. Information on the number (%) of patients with a SpA feature and the number (%) of a particular SpA feature were based on patient history and clinical examination at study inclusion
  3. HLA-B27 human leucocyte antigen B27, CRP C-reactive protein, ASDAS Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score, BASDAI Bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index, NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, SpA spondyloarthritis