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Table 1 Demographics and clinical characteristics at index visit for first-line ETN, ADA, and JAKi initiators with 6 months of follow-up

From: Treatment patterns and clinical outcomes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis initiating etanercept, adalimumab, or Janus kinase inhibitor as first-line therapy: results from the real-world CorEvitas RA Registry


ETN initiators

N = 803

ADA initiators

N = 984

JAKi initiators

N = 361

Age, years, mean (SD)

54.5 (13.1)

55.5 (12.1)

61.3 (12.4)

Female, n (%)

620 (77.2)

751 (76.3)

276 (76.5)

White, n/N (%)

640/797 (80.3)

811/976 (83.1)

300/357 (84.0)

BMI, kg/m2, mean (SD)

30.4 (7.6)

31.4 (7.9)

31.0 (7.4)

Duration of RA, years, mean (SD)

5.7 (7.5)

5.6 (7.4)

8.1 (9.7)

Rheumatoid factor positive, n/N (%)

344/503 (68.4)

420/640 (65.6)

130/216 (60.2)

CCP positive, n/N (%)

322/493 (65.3)

413/624 (66.2)

140/221 (63.3)

College education or above, n (%)

470 (60.8)

538 (56.8)

184 (53.3)

History of comorbidities, n (%)

 Cardiovascular disease

87 (10.8)

112 (11.4)

54 (15.0)


34 (4.2)

52 (5.3)

41 (11.4)

 Serious infections

37 (4.6)

70 (7.1)

29 (8.0)


198 (24.7)

308 (31.3)

108 (29.9)

 Deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism

12 (1.5)

17 (1.7)

8 (2.2)

Medication history

 Prior number of csDMARDs received (including current csDMARD), mean (SD)

1.5 (0.8)

1.8 (0.9)

1.7 (1.0)

 History of prednisone use, n (%)

424 (52.8)

528 (53.7)

182 (50.4)

Current therapy

n = 803

n = 984

n = 361

 Monotherapy, n (%)

197 (24.5)

191 (19.4)

117 (32.4)

 Combination therapy, n (%)

606 (75.5)

793 (80.6)

244 (67.6)

  MTX, n (%)

392 (48.8)

462 (47.0)

137 (38.0)

  Non-MTX nbDMARDs,a n (%)

127 (15.8)

180 (18.3)

71 (19.7)

  MTX and non-MTX nbDMARDs,a n (%)

87 (10.8)

151 (15.3)

36 (10.0)

Prednisone use, n (%)

217 (27.0)

270 (27.4)

89 (24.7)

 Dose of prednisone, mg, mean (SD)

7.7 (5.4)

7.3 (6.2)

6.6 (3.7)

Disease activity and PROs, mean (SD)


6.9 (7.1)

6.2 (6.5)

6.3 (6.8)


5.2 (5.5)

4.6 (5.0)

5.4 (5.3)


35.5 (24.2)

34.6 (22.9)

34.0 (22.9)


44.7 (27.2)

44.9 (26.6)

41.9 (26.8)


20.0 (14.2)

18.8 (12.6)

19.3 (13.5)

 Patient painb

48.1 (28.7)

49.0 (28.3)

46.0 (29.6)

 Patient fatigueb

47.4 (30.5)

47.6 (30.0)

45.3 (30.9)


0.5 (0.5)

0.5 (0.5)

0.5 (0.5)


0.7 (0.2)

0.7 (0.2)

0.7 (0.2)

 Patients with morning stiffness, n (%)

664 (87.8)

778 (86.3)

278 (83.0)

 Duration of morning stiffness, hours, mean (SD)

2.1 (3.8)

2.0 (3.2)

2.1 (4.0)

  1. “n” represents the number of patients with available data at the index visit
  2. anbDMARDs include methotrexate, hydroxychloroquine, leflunomide, sulfasalazine, azathioprine, minocycline, and cyclosporine
  3. bVisual analog scale (0–100)
  4. ADA Adalimumab, BMI Body mass index, CCP Cyclic citrullinated peptide, CDAI Clinical Disease Activity Index, csDMARD Conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug, EQ-5D EuroQol-5D, ETN Etanercept, JAKi Janus kinase inhibitor, mHAQ Modified Health Assessment Questionnaire, MTX Methotrexate, nbDMARD non-biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug, PhGA Physician’s Global Assessment of Disease Activity, PRO Patient-reported outcome, PtGA Patient’s Global Assessment of Disease Activity, RA Rheumatoid arthritis, SD Standard deviation, SJC-28 Swollen joint count of 28 joints, TJC-28 Tender joint count of 28 joints